Sunday, January 9, 2011

Join us for the next PTA meeting

Our next PTA meeting will be on January 17th at 8:45 a.m.  Since it is MLK day, many of the people that work for the Districts or Government will be off.  Hopefully you can join us.

The Agenda will be:

Meeting Agenda
January 17, 2011

       I.            Welcome

A.     D’var: Marcy

    II.            Treasurer’s report- Jillian

A.     Invoices
B.     Budget
C.     Box Top money?

 III.            Committee Updates

A.                 Teacher Appreciation: Erin Falah

1.      Budget update
2.      Report on Teacher’s gifts
B.                 Hot Lunch
C.                 Pictures-Erin Falah
1.      orders
2.      feedback
D.                 Yearbook- Jill Litchtenstein
1.      Need photographers
2.      deadlines
E.                 Daddy Programs- Aron Yurowitz
F.                  Fundraising- Chava
IV. Other
·         Ideas for TDSD Connections and how to keep it active?
·         Laminating volunteers
·         Any family get-togethers or family dinner nights in the future?

Next meeting in February 21st

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